Россия +7 (495) 204-29-64
Казахстан +7 (727) 350-81-84


The device and principle of operation of deaerator DA 15/4:

The atmospheric deaerator is a complex technical device, it utilizes a 2-stage scheme of degassing: two notches are placed in the deaerating head - 1st stage - jet, the 2 nd - bubble. Deaerator tank holds a third, additional step, in the form of submerged bubbling device. Water is subject to aeration, is fed into the column through the fittings. Here it sequentially passes through the jet and the bubbling stage, where its heating and steaming. From the column, the water jets drains into the tank, after aging which is drained from the deaerator through the nozzle.


Характеристика деаэратора ДА 15/4Значение
 Наименование бака БДА-4
 Полезная емкость бака, м3 4
 Наименование колонки ДА-15
 Производительность колонки, т/ч 15
 Наименование охладителя выпара ОВА-2М
 Наименование гидрозатвора ДА 5-25
 Давление рабочее, МПа 0,02 
 Температура рабочая, С 104,2 
 Давление гидроиспытания, МПа 0,2
 Масса установки сухая, кг 1900


ГОСТы и сертификаты

ТР ТС 010/2011 - Декларация о соответствии на теплообменное оборудование ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.HB27.B.14018/20


Comments ()

    The deaerator 15/4

    The atmospheric deaerator DA 15/4 designed to remove corrosive gases (oxygen and free carbon dioxide) from feed water of steam boilers and feed water heating systems.

    305 500 руб.
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