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The continuous blowdown separators SP-5,5-1,4 is used for the separation of water and steam water mixture, which is formed from the purge water in steam boilers, drainage of steam and condensate from propranolol a drop in the pressure inside the boiler to the pressure in the separator, followed by heat consumption of steam and water.

These devices are also used in collection of condensate in order to reduce the consumption of steam and loss of heat are discharged with the steam and condensate mixture.



The separator is a vertical vessel welded structure, has a cylindrical shape, includes a body with a flat or elliptical bottoms, where the upper head joins to the body by means of flange connector.

In the upper part of the housing separator to the ring bolt simple separating device, i.e. the tangential inlet of the purge water (condensate), in addition also the installation of separators, which are used for drying steam, which again boils.

To middle part is welded to two or four supports for further installation of the separator onto the supporting beams.

In the separator SP is 5.5 and 1.4 working pressure is set either depending on atmospheric pressure for the discharge of steam into the atmosphere or based on the amount of total loss resistance of the steam-discharge piping and pressure equipment, where steam is supplied directly from the separator.



The principle of operation of the separator continuous blowdown is divided into several stages:

- receive steam-water mixture from the boiler;

- the separation of this mixture to water and steam due to the rotational movement and expansion of the flow in the receiving device;

next, in the receiving device is the receiving operation;

- the final susiana couple in a separation device.


Характеристика СП 5,5-1,4Значение
 Наименование сепаратора  Сепаратор Ду1400 
 Рабочее давление, МПа  0,15
 Температура рабочая, не более   127
 Давление пробное при гидроиспытании, МПа   0,8
 Производительность, т/ч  -
 Расход пароводяной смеси, т/ч  -
 Вместимость, м3  5,5
 Масса, кг  1870


ГОСТы и сертификаты


Comments ()

    Separator continuous blowdown SP-5,5-1,4

    The separator is a vertical vessel welded structure, has a cylindrical shape, includes a body with a flat or elliptical bottoms, where the upper head joins to the body by means of flange connector.

    499 200 руб.
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